One of those days…

It’s one of those days. Weeks, actually.

One of those weeks when you get sick the day your hubby heads back to work after being off for 2 months straight.

One of those days when you walk into the bathroom to find your 22 month old with your sick, cold-infested toothbrush… in his mouth.

One of those days where later that same morning you walk in to find the same toddler but in a different bathroom, having just gone to the bathroom… on top on the lid of the toilet. Close, but no cigar.

One of those days when your husband calls you eighty times from the job, changing the billing you’re trying to submit. And you still get it wrong because you have little people screeming at you and crawling on your lap and steeling your pen and so on and so forth. And you have to place three embarrassing phone calls to the general contractor (who now thinks you’re an idiot!) just to get it fixed, all the while hoping they don’t hear the screaming toddler you’ve locked outside the office door just to make these horrible, pride-squelching calls.

One of those days where your kids are stupidly tired but wake up every two minutes from their naps. So you send the older one to a different room where he whisper/yells “Mommy!” incessantly as you lay nursing the mischievous toddler, unable to respond or stop him. (yeah- this one is happening, right now, as I type this post on my iPhone).

One of those weeks where you plan to watch all sorts of delightful movies you’ve been dying to watch and to have oodles of time to yourself in the evenings ’cause your hubs is working late, but your children revolt and stay up ’til all hours of the morn’.

One of those weeks where you just want to go to sleep and have someone wake you up on Easter morning!

But that’s just not possible. There are cupcakes to bake and presents to buy and wrap. There are birthday festivities to attend for a very excited almost-5-year-old and appointments to keep with very pregnant clients. There are meals to fix and rooms to clean and constant owies to kiss. And its all up to you. ‘Cause The Carpenter is off being a carpenter, for longer days than you can adequately describe.

You’re the mama…

…even on those days!

So suck it up little lady!

Yup- that’s about all the advice I have for myself right now.

Oh yeah- and I should probably pray.

Dear Jesus,



And amen.

And yes, I am well aware of the number of sentences I broke rules on by starting them with the words “and” or “but.”

And I don’t care.

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3 Responses to “One of those days…”

  1. You just described my week! We were sick, Nathan took off for Wyoming for a month to have a job, but we won’t get paid for a few weeks, things are piling up…eek! SO grateful for other’s mom’s feeling the same way…and for Jesus! 🙂

    • Man- you sound just like me! My hubby was actually out of town too- I just didn’t want to broadcast it on the internet. We also don’t get paid on his jobs for months after he completes them. Bummer lady! I hope you are having a better week this week!


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